UpToDate Access is Changing

A red alert sign and the UpToDate logo with text embedded below:

NL Health Services (NLHS) is updating their library authentication process. These updates have implications for Memorial-affiliated UpToDate users.

As of March 4, 2024, UpToDate links will be removed from the HSL website. Individuals will be required to have an official affiliation with NLHS, Eastern Zones and access UpToDate through the NLHS, Eastern Zones network in order to create an UpToDate account or verify their UpToDate credentials.

Authorized users include:

  • Employees of NLHS, Eastern Zones
  • Those who provide medical services to patients at NLHS, Eastern Zones facilities
  • Health sciences students who have been issued an official ID through NLHS, Eastern Zones

Existing Users

Access for current UpToDate account holders will be valid for 90 days after last verification.

Memorial-Affiliated Users

Memorial faculty, staff, and students who do not have an NLHS, Eastern Zones affiliation and who are unable to access the NLHS, Eastern Zones network will not be able to create an account or verify their UpToDate credentials.

Users affiliated with other NLHS Zones may be able to access UpToDate through library services in their NLHS Zones. We recommend contacting NLHS library services in these Zones for more information.

At Memorial, in place of UpToDate, we recommend DynaMed, which is a comparable evidence-based point-of-care tool. DynaMed also has a mobile app available.

Undergraduate medical students also have the option of purchasing an individual UpToDate subscription at a discounted rate through the Canadian Federation of Medical Students.


Memorial University faculty, students, and staff: hslinfo@mun.ca
NLHS, Eastern Zones: library.services@easternhealth.ca