Canadian Government Information

 What's New

Government of Canada

  • Government of Canada Website
    Useful locator of government services, such as taxation, benefits, travelling abroad, job seeking, drug products, flu shot clinics, passport renewal etc. The "About government" link at the bottom of the page describes the structure of the Canadian government and its functioning.

  • GEDS (Government Electronic Directory Services)
    E-mail and telephone directory of federal public servants

  • Access to Information
    Locates federal government programs and information held by government departments thereby enabling the public to identify which agencies hold information about them. (Access to such information is subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.) Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information helps current and former federal government employees locate personal information about them held by government and exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.


Legislation and Legal Sources

  • Federal, Provincial/Territorial Legislation
    A comprehensive gateway to federal and provincial/territorial statutes, regulations, bills, debates and journals.

  • Justice Laws Website
    • Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Canada;
    • Annual Statutes (federal) from 2001 to present;
    • Consolidated Constitution Act and Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom
  • Reports: Supreme Court of Canada
    Includes decisions rendered by the Supreme Court since 1967, with partial coverage predating this time. Also includes all decisions originating from Ontario back to 1876.

Catalogues and Indexes

  • Canadian Research Index, Microlog (1982 - )
    Provides access to Canadian government publications at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. It includes scientific and technical reports, statistical reports, policy papers and annual reports. The Microlog microfiche number (MN) can be used to locate the documents, which are available in the Microlog microfiche collection in the QEII Library.

  • Government of Canada Publications
    Identifies over 570,000 Canadian federal publications catalogued by the Government of Canada Publications Directorate, with access to over 449,000 digital publications. Retrospective digitization is ongoing.

  • NRC National Science Library Catalogue 

  • Library and Archives Canada Catalogue
    Allows the option of searching either the National Library holdings or the collections of both the National Library and 1300 libraries across Canada. The latter known as the Amicus database. Searches can be limited to federal or provincial/territorial government publications.

  • Canadiana Online
    Provides access to Canada's historical print heritage, including an "Early Offical Publications" collection of over 1.5 million digitized pages of historical pre-1901 colonial and federal government documents.



  • Elections Canada 
    Voting results and Electoral Officer's reports for elections from 1997 to present. Voter turnouts and election results in federal ridings since 1867. 

Provincial Governments

  • Council of Atlantic Premiers
    Presents current and historical information about the Council's activities, information about its agencies and press releases.