A Bit of History About the Space

The TLC is located in the space that was once the Education cafe. The common bond, education, meant that topics of professional interest were primary focus of discussion, regardless of whether you were student, faculty or staff. Though not formally a Commons it was nonetheless a space where the pursuit of educational excellence was always a thing.

Later, as the use of PCs, then local networks and, finally, the internet became more of a priority the space was converted to a computer lab (see the picture below). Through the '90s the space was a place in which students could acquire the skills that were seen as relevant at the time.

Over time, as laptops and mobiles became prevalent the need for a computer lab waned. At the same time the realization grew that education students needed more collaborative spaces. The result, the TLC, was created through the cooperation and input of the Faculty of Education, its students, staff and faculty and was opened in June 2014. It strives to keep students focused on the needs of the future, just as the computer lab and cafe once did, while still preserving the original cooperative spirit.

In case you are wondering, yes, the two images above were taken from the same location, but at different times!