Photocopying, Binding and Laminating

Self-Serve Photocopying

A photocopier is available in the Education Library (ED2030).

The cost is $0.08 per sheet and the equipment uses the Campus Card.


A self-serve scanner is available in the Teaching & Learning Commons (ED5006). There is no charge for scanning.


Visit the Education Library (ED2030) to have your project spiral bound. Depending on the size of your project binding will cost $3.00 - $3.75.


Sheets up to 23” wide can be laminated at a cost of $2.00 per foot at the Education Library (ED2030). Paper can be as thick as poster board (Bristol board). Advance notice is needed as laminator takes time to heat up.


MUN is committed to compliance with copyright laws. All copying and scanning should comply with the Copyright Act.