Newfoundland and Labrador Health Bibliography

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As of 2015, the NLHB is no longer being updated, but it is still searchable. For further information, please email

About the NLHB

The "Newfoundland and Labrador Health Bibliography", referred to as the NLHB, is an ongoing online bibliography of journal articles, chapters, books and theses relating to health in Newfoundland and Labrador. The main inclusion criteria is:

  • The item must have been written about an institution concerned with health or health education or illness in Newfoundland or Labrador;
  • Or that the writing must be about a disease or condition occurring in or peculiar to Newfoundland or Labrador;
  • Or, if research material, that it must involve residents of the province; and the material must have been published.

The NLHB includes a range of material such as scholarly research, case reports and anecdotal pieces. Most of the items in the NLHB are available through the Health Sciences Library.

The basis for the NLHB was "A Bibliography of Health Care in Newfoundland", published by Shelagh Wotherspoon and Isabel Hunter in 1986. While on sabbatical during the 2004-2005 academic year, Shelagh updated the bibliography and converted it into an online database, which meant immediate access for an international audience.

Following Shelagh's retirement, the NLHB became an official project of the Health Sciences Library. Any NLHB questions or comments can be directed to

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