Atlas and Reference Books

There are several locations for the books held the Map Room:

  • Map-Ref - books are signed out at the discretion of the Map Librarian or full-time staff of the Map Room
  • OS Atlas 1 and 2 - these are oversized general and thematic atlases and can only be signed out at the discretion of the Map Librarian or full-time staff of the Map Room
  • Map-Atlas - these are atlases that may be signed out and returned at the Library Circulation desk
  • Map-Stats - books with LC call number (ex: BR 526 J64) can be signed out at the Circulation desk, Census material (ex: 42-007) can only be used in the library.

The type of reference works held in the Map Room include gazetteers, general works and histories of cartography, books about map reading and projections, map bibliographies, cartobibliographies, dictionaries and indexes.

The Map Room holds a variety of atlases from general world atlases to atlases covering a specific subject.