Titles L-S

For explanation of test levels (A, B or C), click here.


Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-4) 2007 (B)

Reading Miscue Inventory: From Evaluation to Instruction 2005 (B)

Sensory Profile (Adolescent/Adult) 2002 (B)

Sensory Profile (Child 0-14 years) 2014 (B)

Slingerland Screening Test for Identifying Children with Specific Language Disability 2005 (A)

Slosson Oral Reading Test Revised (SORT-R3) 2002 (B)

Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2) 2012 (C)

Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales (SB-5) 2003 (C)

Stieglitz Informal Reading Inventory 2002 (B)