Study Room Policy

The library has a number of single and group study rooms available for booking.

Rooms may be booked online up to three days in advance using your MUN email or email. The minimum booking time is 30 minutes; maximum is two hours.

All library policies apply. Abuse of policies may result in loss of room use. Reserved rooms that are found to be empty may result in cancellation of the full booked period and removal of belongings by library staff.

Groups and individuals are responsible for ensuring that the study rooms are cleared prior to leaving. Garbage must be placed in the bins and all books, papers, pens, etc. are to be removed.

Single study rooms

  • S3-S7 are available for advance booking
  • Located at the west end of the library past the computer classrooms

Group study rooms

  • G1-G10 are available for advance booking
  • Groups of 2 or more are required; not to be used as a single study space (unless attending a virtual class)
  • Headphones should be worn if attending a virtual class as rooms are not soundproof
  • White boards are available in each room
  • Located both east and west of the Library Services Desk

Group Projects room

  • Equipped with computer display projector, a large display screen, and laptop connections
  • Technical equipment problems should be reported to library staff
  • Groups of 2 or more are required; not to be used as a single study space

Assigned single study rooms

  • S1-S2 and S8-S15 are assigned to graduate students in the the Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences and the Faculty of Nursing as per an arrangement between those units and the Health Sciences Library. Keys for these rooms are checked out to graduate students at the Library Services Desk for the duration of the semester.
  • The University is not responsible for items left in the room. Although the door locks, you should not consider the room secure.
  • Library material must be checked out before it is taken to a study room. Rooms will be checked periodically and library materials not signed out will be removed.
  • Please do not affix items to windows or walls. Place garbage in the cans outside the rooms, and report spills or other problems to library staff. The library will periodically post notice and arrange for cleaning of the rooms.
  • Abuse of privileges will result in loss of room use. Loss or non-return of key will result in a non-refundable $10.00 fee.