Philosophy & Film

A Bug's Life (AV1355, 1998, 95:00)

Crimes and Misdemeanors (AV279, 1989, 104:00)

Dante's Inferno (AV785, 88:00)

The Dresser (PN 1997 D73 1989, 1983, 118:00)

Fight Club (PN 1997 F54 2002, 1999, 139:00)

Harold and Maude (PN 1995.9 C55 H36 2000, 2000, 91:00)

The Matrix (PN 1997.2 M38 2009, 1999, 136:00)

Medicine and Mercy (R 724 M34 1985, 1985, 26:00)

Schindler's List (PN 1997 S346 2004, 1993, 196:00)

Seven (PN 1997 S49 2004, 1995, 127:00)

World of Ideas (1994)

  • Moral Implications of Scientific Advances (R 724 M66 2008, 60:00)
  • What Should an Educated Person Know (LB 2361.5 W68 2008, 30:00)