Study Rooms

Study Rooms

Five bookable study rooms are available, two on the second floor and three on the third floor. Study rooms are for current Grenfell students only. They may not be booked for use by faculty, staff, alumni or guest users, and may not be used for faculty or staff meetings, classes, or exams. If you require a space to attend an online class or write an online exam, please contact the Office of the Registrar (AS 277).

Study rooms can be booked up to 3 days in advance for a maximum of 2 hours per day. Must arrive within the first 15 minutes of booking or it may be subject to cancellation. You are always welcome to use unoccupied study rooms but may be asked to leave to accommodate bookings.

Please help keep study rooms clean for everyone to enjoy. Don't leave food waste or food wrappers/packaging in study rooms. Use the designated grey bins with lids. Please eat hot meals and take-out elsewhere.

Note: There is no food or drink permitted in the Lundrigan Room.

  • Blue Room (LC 210): Second Floor. Has white boards. Capacity 6.
  • Yellow Room (LC 211): Second Floor. Has a white board and a chalk board. Capacity 6.
  • Orange Room (LC 310): Third floor. Has an LCD screen and a white board. Capacity 6.
  • Green Room (LC 311): Third floor. Has an LCD screen and a chalk board. Capacity 6.
  • Lundrigan Room: Third floor. Capacity 2.

Please ask for chalk, white board markers and HDMI or VGA cables for the LCD screens at the Circulation Desk.